Minister urges for new media in presenting history

"The country needs to step up its effort in exploring, finding, researching and documenting the history of the country and the people. It is because history is ever evolving and it is a journey of the people. Today, developed countries and those wanting to develop themselves will not marginalise their historical facts as catalysts for progress, peace and prosperity. We learnt from our ancestral history to be patriotic. Patriotic citizens will become determinants in ensuring the continuation of progress, peace and prosperity of the nation." This was said by Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Paduka Awang Hj Hazair bin Hj Abdullah, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, in a speech yesterday during a launching ceremony of books published by History Centre.

A total of eight books were launched and can be purchased from $6 to $25. Pehin Hazair urged the History Centre to find more creative and innovative ways to disseminate and educate the people about the country's history other than through books alone. This way, the information can be easily passed on to the younger generations and students. To illustrate the point, he took an example from the Castille War, a time of valour and gallantry where the nation was led by a bold Sultan, had cunning state dignitaries, people's champions and nationalistic citizens that took up arms to fight a better equipped foreign invaders.
"The victory only came with the spirit of nationalism and love towards Islam", Pehin Hazair stated. He believed historical episodes such as this, if circulated or publicised with the use of latest ICT platforms, could promote patriotism, especially amongst the youths. He said although there are many publications by foreign authors, they are not guaranteed to depict Brunei's history based on local perspectives. He hoped local writers could pick up some of the historical episodes written by foreigners and re-assess and research on untouched matters in order to depict them in a Brunei-centric way.

Among those present during the ceremony were Pehin Jawatan Dalam Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama Dr Hj Awang Mohd Jamil Al-Sufri, Principal of History Centre; Dato Paduka Hj Jemat bin Hj Ampal, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports; directors from various government agencies and senior government officers.
Among the new books are "Royal Poet - Al-Marhum Sultan Hj Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien (the translated edition)", "Tarsillah Brunei II: Period of Splendour and Fame", both written by Pehin Dato Dr Hj Mohd Jamil Al-Sufri; "The Reign of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin 1924-1950" by Hj Mohaimin bin Hj Mohamed; "The Catalyst Towards Victory" by Dr Muhammad Hadi bin Muhammad Melayong; "Brunei in China History" by Professor Wu Zong Yu; "100 Years of Brunei-British Relation (1906-2006)" by Hj Rosli bin Hj Ampal and Salina bte Hj Jaafar.
News from Borneo Bulletin
25 February 2011
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